Thursday, June 20, 2013


Right now.  I'm outside listening to the margaritaville pandora station.  The next door neighbor is hammering away building steps and a leveled deck near his dock.  There is a pleasant breeze and it's ten degrees less than it was the other day...which is nice.  As I stretch my body out on the dock I feel is a wondrous thing and my muscles and my whole being is benefiting from it.  The sun warms me and I feel like I could stretch clear across the lake.  This feels like coming home.  

Monday, June 17, 2013


I keep thinking about that phrase "use what you have" .....and anytime I think to myself or hear myself saying "I just need a better camera" or "if I had more supplies" or "if I lived at the beach I would be able to do this or that".........but honestly, as much as I crave the simple life and minimalism these days (these past two years) the idea of getting more stuff makes me cringe.  i WANT to have less to use.   i always do better when i have less groceries in the kitchen becomes easy, simple, less time consuming...this is ideal during these summer months when the only place i want to be is outside.  i yearn to only own what i can quickly throw together in a vehicle.  i love the idea of having to move around, hula hooping, dance parties, who knows what else.  SPACE.  space equals freedom...breathing room...more possibilities.  

the past month I've had a bad habit of putting things off.  for example, i don't like all my clothes being disorganized and it's really time to give away the clothes that don't fit since being vegetarian the past year...but I keep saying "i'll do it later"....or i'll put on a pair of shorts that are clearly too big now and i'll use a belt (i hate belts).  my point is that though it's a small issue, the fact that i'm not going through my clothes to give away is causing annoyances every single time i wear those shorts....and it's at least once a week (i don't own much clothing anymore and what i do own is very simple).  
when i go into the kitchen to make a meal i have too many choices if the kitchen is completely fully takes forever to decide...i leave and go back in several times before i make a decision finally (unless i'm really craving one particular thing).  it's absurd.  maybe it's just me and others don't have this issue, but i certainly do. 

the older i get the more simplicity i crave in my life...the more i want/need things to be easier when it comes to decision making....i want less stuff so i don't become disorganized.  i crave and love being tidy but when there is too much stuff around it becomes impossible for me to keep it straight.   I've given myself such a hard time for years about "you should learn to be more organized"....or "you are SO messy!".....instead of realizing that i just really prefer less belongings.  anyway,  more and more of my life has become "use what you have" ....or about finding the simple way.   i'm a simple kind of gal and i'm okay with that.  :) 

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Summer and sunshine

I'm happier in the sun.  I think better in the sun.  I move more freely in the sun.  I swear I'm more myself in the sun.  I was born in the midst of the sweltering heat for Georgia.  All my favorite things about life thrive because of bright sunlight...sunflowers, watermelon, summer time, peaches, blackberries, wildflower patches and gardens, beach days, pretty much anything associated with summer including myself.  Needless to say, I am in my element these most alive.  Life is good.