Monday, February 21, 2011

whirling dervish...

The Wave., originally uploaded by coulombic.

Whirling Dervish (wurl-ing dur-vish) n.
1. A mystical dancer who stands between the material and cosmic
worlds. His dance is part of a sacred ceremony
in which the dervish rotates in a precise rhythm.
He represents the earth revolving on its axis while
orbiting the sun. The purpose of the ritual whirling
is for the dervish to empty himself of all distracting
thoughts, placing him in trance; released from
his body he conquers dizziness.

yep...sounds about right.

Thursday, February 17, 2011


Colours, originally uploaded by msvenssons.

If you do nothing unexpected, nothing unexpected happens.

blue skies...

Blue Skies Australia, originally uploaded by tim phillips photos.

my dreams lately have consisted of wide open spaces....fields.....walking on a journey......

hoping this is insight into 2011.....

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Monday, February 7, 2011

sun in the know how i feel...

sun in the sky...., originally uploaded by My Soul Can Dance.

what makes a life? what makes yours? what choices have you made that further you down the path of self destruction or progress?.........

at some point we all, hopefully, start becoming the people we want to takes takes making mistakes over and over until we start getting it right. it involves valuing our worth....realizing that maybe some of the people we've allowed in our lives are because we didn't know any better...we didn't realize that we allowed them in because we didn't know our own worth......and who appreciated it and didn't. standing strong with both feet on the ground is something to strive for..........
value your worth.
keep people in your life that you know do the same.
if they don't ...well......that is a lot of wasted effort on your part to continue to make a relationship (in whatever form it takes) work....

lesson of the day :)

Saturday, February 5, 2011


Silence, originally uploaded by CarloAlessio77.

feeling very quiet these days....


not willing to share much of my world or of myself.

recharging, rebooting, rethinking, reevaluating, re-everything....

hopefully warmer weather will come pouring in soon and i will emerge out of hibernation....