Wednesday, April 29, 2009


I am guest blogging at Michelle's blog while her and David are off honeymooning this week. Funny, because I rarely post on my own. I usually let the words come to me rather than force an idea for a blog. I'll write more on this today on her blog......strangely enough I just had an idea. :)

Sunday, April 19, 2009


I am listening to the Grateful Dead station on Sirius, drinking a Black and Tan, and contemplating how clear my mind and heart are getting the more I get rid of. Yesterday was spent doing some epic cleaning and clearing out. I hung curtain rods and vibrant colorful sheer fabric....which is what i tend to do to save money instead of spending an insane amount of money on curtains, and this way I can change out "curtains" depending on my mood and the season. The yellow, orange, green, and red striped fabric looks amazing with the freshly painted green kitchen wall. (pics coming soon)

I have learned by example from my old roommate Michelle that caddy cornering furniture warms up a's inviting and so much 'softer' to the eye. Plus, it gives a 'flare' to your rooms that otherwise is lost. So, I caddy cornered my bed today in the hopes that sleep becomes more inviting rather than tossing and turning.

Michelle's wedding is coming up in a few days and I can't help but think about the directions we choose to travel in life. Some fall into a pattern of thinking that life just happens to us, that all the bad circumstances and what not make us a victim of these unfortunate events. Yes, unfortunate things happen...but we choose our reactions. We choose where we go from there.

I think we pick up habits, good or bad, to mask emotions inside of us we would rather not deal with. We go shopping, we drink, we continue to choose the wrong person in love, we eat too much or not enough, we watch excessive amounts of tv to distract ourselves from the fact our lives are boring or not what we planned...etc etc....the list goes on. BUT we can choose the good habits too....we can pretend we are not stressed until we actually become less anxious...we can clean when we are upset, we can paint a wall green to evoke happy feelings when we wake up to make coffee every morning, we can learn to value the simple things of life rather than pine after more and more...we can use mason jars as vases (which in my opinion are WAY better than some store bought expensive one), we can pick wildflowers, we can gather with friends to cook dinner instead of lamenting on the fact we don't have money to go out to eat......

life is a constant journey of growth. of change. of embracing who you are and those you love. it's a letting go of the things that hinder that growth. we become who we are by understanding life is what we make it. we choose it. so i raise my glass to michelle and david, and all of you out there, in the hopes that we can always see the 'sunny side of life' in whatever path we choose to go down.